
Welcome to Laboratory services

A welcome note

On behalf of the medical laboratory sta at King Abdulaziz University Hospital I would like to welcome you. We have all our sta including consultants and 200+ highly specializing medical technologist aided by a network of excellent supporting personnel who enjoy a strong commitment to teaching and patient care are at your disposal.
Our diagnostic facility is a hub of activity and opportunities. Undergraduate and postgraduate students are actively engaged in a variety of areas within the lab, paving the way to connect with the highly advanced technology in the eld. We are committed to the highest quality of accuracy and precision in laboratory services and we look forward to serve you.

Mohamad Qari, FRCPA, FACP
Clinical Laboratories Director


To provide the highest quality care with outstanding values and superior patient service. is will be achieved through: Ongoing development, implementation and evaluation of quality control methods appropriate to each department, testing performed eciently and accurately, continuous evaluation and revision of current laboratory procedures.


To provide the highest quality of service to the employees by encouraging all personnel to continuously update their educational and laboratory experience and to acquire the state of the art equipments for use.


Goals and Objectives

The laboratory is committed to providing reliable, timely and informative services to physicians and other health care providers for the benet of the patient. e laboratory provides the extensive variety of clinical laboratory services using the most modern technology available.

  • To efficiently and accurately perform the test ordered by the attending physician.
  • Ongoing development, implementation and evaluation of quality control methods appropriate to each department.
  • Continuous evaluation and revision of current laboratory procedure,introduction of new procedures as they are available and adaptable to the needs of the hospital.
  • Laboratory personnel will participate in continuing educational program in order to update their knowledge of laboratory theory and practice.
  • Encourage laboratory personnel to hold membership in MT-ASMT, ASCP, and other professional organizations.
  • Enroll the laboratory in the College of American Pathologists program (CAP), organization of International Standard (ISO).

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